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Sod Farm Virginia Beach

Benefits of Going to a Sod Farm in Virginia Beach

At a sod farm Virginia Beach residents can get specially designed and managed sod. Sod farms specialize in just that crop. While some grow only one type of sod, others can grow several types that are good for the particular area. Each farm will have a unique way of handling sod, which can set it apart from others in the area.


Many sod farms will only deliver within a set distance because of the crop health risk. Sod is considered delicate so it needs to be handled with care. By shopping at a sod farm Virginia Beach residents can know that their sod is handled with the necessary care in order for it to grow and turn into a beautiful lawn.


Sod farms try to be as organic as possible and when the crop is ready to be harvested, it is done so with the right specialized tools in order to ready it for shipping.

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